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Conference programme

Conference programme

5 July


North School

Registration opens. Tea & Coffee served in the Exhibition area


South School

Opening plenary: active travel as a daily norm

Welcome from session Chair, Cllr Andrew Gant, Cabinet member for Highways Management, Oxfordshire County Council


Jesse Norman, Active Travel Minister, Department for Transport (video)


Chris Boardman, Commissioner, Active Travel England
Filip Watteeuw, Deputy Mayor, Mobility, Public Space & Urban Planning, Ghent, Belgium


Ruth Cadbury MP, Co-Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group Cycling & Walking Committee


Cllr Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Healthy Communities & Champion for Cycling, Oxford City Council


Followed by panel and audience Q and A


North School

Lunch served in the Exhibition area


South School

Winning hearts and minds (and avoiding conspiracy theories)

Chair: Alison Hill, Chair, Cyclox


How can we avoid a 'culture war'?

Robert Davis, Chair, Road Danger Reduction Forum


Dispelling the myths with data: mapping Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) and modal filters

Martin Lucas Smith, Developer, CycleStreets


Embedding active travel in communities: who cares about what?

John Howard, Head of Growth, Commonplace


LTNs and how they work: A study across Greater London

Jamie Furlong, Research Fellow, Westminster University


Community modal shift: a campaigner’s experience Jamie Clarke, public engagement advisor and freelance campaigner


East School

LCWIPS session


Chair: Will Haynes, Infrastructure Director, Sustrans

Update on LCWIPs

Kevin McCann, England Programme Manager, Sustrans, and  Becki Cox, Researcher, University of Glasgow


LCWIP Octopus Toolkit: West Yorkshire
Amber Kenyon, Senior Transport Planner, Mott MacDonald and Vanessa Urschel, West Yorkshire Combined Authority


Buckinghamshire Greenway and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Jonathan Fuller, Principal Strategy Transport Officer & Benjamin Feeney-North, Senior Transport Strategy Officer, Buckinghamshire County Council


Creating a community-led LCWIP for a market town

Robin Tucker, Chair, Oxfordshire Cycling Network,Co-Chair of CoHSAT, the Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel in Oxfordshire (and Founder Member of Abingdon Liveable Streets)

Room 10

Active travel innovation showcase


Chair: Daniel Simpson, Commercial Director, Landor LINKS


Active travel: making the case for asset management
Chris Spong, Director, Hyperion


How cycle parking can support diversity and inclusion

Simon Scarfe  Growth Strategy Manager, Cyclehoop


Temporary vs permanent data collection for transport schemes

Ayanda Collins, Operations Director, Smart Transport Hub


Cycling behaviour change data uncovered

Sam Robinson, Director, Love to Ride


Planning for maintenance of active travel schemes

Paddy Hastie​, Winter Equipment Manager, Peacock Salt



Room 9

Data and the evidence base

Chair:  Sally Copley, Executive Director, External Affairs, Sustrans


Transforming active travel: leveraging cycling sensor data for safety, evaluation and beyond

IreneMcAleese, Co-founder & CSO, See.Sense


Is subsidising repair associated with increased cycling? Evaluation of the Fix Your Bike scheme

Beth Hiblin and Sally Cairns, Transport for Quality of Life and Tom Cohen, Senior Lecturer, Active Travel Academy, University of Westminster


Mind the data gap: understanding children’s trips and child-friendly streets

Lucy Marstrand-Taussig, Design Policy Lead for Streets, Transport for London and Asa Thomas, Research Associate  Active Travel Academy, University of Westminster


Walkability toolkit: a data-driven approach to making places more walkable
Jordan di Trapani, Principal Consultant, SYSTRA


Maximising modal shift: an
AI-based approach

Chris Neil, Business Development Manager, VivaCity


Room 11


Critical issues in active travel and how to address them 

Led by Brian Deegan, Director of Inspections, Active Travel England

The Quad

Cycle Tour 1: Quickways and Quietways tour

Total distance 8km (5 miles) exactly Total time 90 minutes including 10 stops.

Limited to 10 places.

Walking tour: public realm challenges: buses, cars, colleges, cyclists and crowds

Distance 3 km (1.85 miles)

Limited to 20 places

Advance bookings have now closed.


Please visit the Landor LINKS front desk during the event to reserve a place.

Room 7


Active Travel England – Design and Planning Surgeries for local authorities: free slots throughout the day

Surgery details to follow – please email Daniel Simpson for further information


North School

Afternoon break Tea & Coffee served in the Exhibition area


South School

Road danger reduction

Chair: Jwan Kamla, Senior Road Safety Engineer, Jacobs, CIHT EM Vice Chair and Committee member, SoRSA


Vision Zero in Oxfordshire

Cllr Andrew Gant, Oxfordshire County Council, Cabinet Member for Highway Management & Alison Hill, Chair, Cyclox


The role of enforcement and education: how police can support active travel

Inspector Kevin Smith, South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield Neighbourhood Policing team


Reducing road danger at a stroke of the pen – procurement and HGV safety standards in London

Tom Bogdanowicz, Senior Policy and Development Officer, London Cycling Campaign


A data-driven, proactive approach to road safety

Madeleine Francis, Business Development Manager, VivaCity


Beryl and TRIG: making bike share schemes even safer through technological innovation

Sacha Manson-Smith, Chief Technology Officer, beryl

East School

Managing mixed modes

Chair: Tina Glover, Associate Director, Project Centre


Rebalancing priorities for our streets – Lambeth Kerbside Strategy

David Wilson, Climate Response Strategy Manager, Transport & Public Realm, London Borough of Lambeth


Improving accessibility at bus stop cycle bypasses and continuous footways

Robert Weetman and Sam Wakeling, Technical team, Living Streets


Helping visually impaired people cross cycleways at bus stop bypasses

Tom Bailey, Director, Streets Systems and Anna Butler 

Project Manager,

Transport for Greater Manchester


Reallocating Green Time from traffic to active travel modes

Kornelis van Tuyl, Principal Engineer, Traffic Control, Transport for London Engineering 


Cycle-Rail Toolkit Refresh: Cycle-Rail Guidance 2023

Yvonne McMinn, Associate, SYSTRA

Room 10


Design & engineering workshop

Led by Erik Tetteroo
Dutch Cycling Embassy


HOD (Hybrid Oriented Development), the urban planning tool for H4: Human, Health, Happiness and Hybrid bike+train


Are you done with the failed concept of Car Oriented Development, and ready for a mobility revolution? Hybrid Oriented Development, in short HOD, can be regarded as the Dutch style TOD. HOD is an urban planning model based on the Hybrid bike train system, that connects regions in a most sustainable way. Find out how in this workshop....

Room 9

Active travel: outside the big city

Chair: Agnese Polonara, Senior Consultant, SYSTRA 

Active travel: the rainbow of rural solutions

Adrian Oliver, Active Travel Co-ordinator, Swale Borough Council

The toolkit approach to improving the design and implementation of cycle routes in new developments in Cambridgeshire

Tam Parry, Principal Transport Officer, Cambridgeshire County Council


A strategic active travel network for Oxfordshire

Melissa Goodacre, Infrastructure Strategy Team Leader, Oxfordshire County Council & Ben Coleman, Associate Director, PJA


Greater Cambridge Partnership: rural and peri-urban active travel corridors

Alex Sargent, Associate Director, Transport Planning, WSP 


Rural transport opportunities

Scott A Urban, College Lecturer in Economics for Visiting Students, Hertford College, Oxford

The Quad

Cycle Tour 2:
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and school routes tour

Total distance 9.1km (5.6 miles)

Limited to 10 places.

Walking tour: public realm challenges: buses, cars, colleges, cyclists and crowds

Distance 3 km (1.85 miles)

Limited to 20 places

Advance bookings have now closed.


Please visit the Landor LINKS front desk during the event to reserve a place.

Room 7


Active Travel England – Design and Planning Surgeries for local authorities: free slots throughout the day

Surgery details to follow – please email Daniel Simpson for further information



North School

Afternoon break Tea & Coffee served in the Exhibition area


South School

Closing plenary: reducing car dependency

Chair: Roger Geffen,  Policy Director, Cycling UK


Cllr Dan Levy, Active Travel Champion, Oxfordshire County Council
Ian Walker, Professor of Environmental Psychology, Swansea University

Rachel Aldred, Professor of Transport, University of Westminster, and Director of the Active Travel Academy


Followed by panel and audience Q and A


North School

Networking reception


Main entrance

Relaxing social cycle ride (6.8km/4.2 miles, cycling confidence level easy, no hills. Thames Path is surfaced all the way but does not have street lighting). Own bikes only, no registration needed. Download route


Day 1 close

6 July 2023 Programme

Please note that the Conference Programme is currently under development and subject to change

6 July


North School

Registration opens Tea & Coffee served in the Exhibition area


South School

Opening plenary: Civilised and healthy streets


Chair: Steph Bortoli, Head of Communication and Engagement, Project Centre


Ansaf Azhar, Director of Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


Suzy Charman, Executive Director, Road Safety Foundation


Ahmadreza Faghih Imani, Co-convenor, Urban Sustainable Environments, Imperial College

Philip Ellis, CEO, Beryl


Followed by panel and audience Q and A


North School

Morning break Tea & Coffee served in the Exhibition area


South School

Accelerating the cargo bike ecosystem

Chair: Oli Ivens, Head of Consulting, MP Smarter Travel


Peter Eland, Technical & Policy Director, Bicycle Association


Richard Smith,. Director, Action Streets


Robin Haycock, Chief Technology Officer, Fernhay 


Emily Harrup, Transport and Sustainability Joint Lead,

Colchester City Council 


In the UK, the private sector is steaming ahead with developing the cargo bike ecosystem. But where is the public sector support?

  • Incentivising businesses towards using cargo bikes

  • Are new laws needed to police the safe use of cargo bikes?

  • Updates on cargo bike standards and driver training schemes for the UK

  • How can a 'level playing field' be created when comparing van and cargo bike deliveries?

  • Normalising the use of cargo bikes in logistics and delivery planning

  • Ensuring that infrastructure is fit for cargo bike purposes

East School

Enabling more walking

Chair: Becki Cox, Researcher, University of Glasgow


Mapping social infrastructure and walkability in Greater Manchester

Graeme Sherrif, Reader in Environment and Society, and Ian Cookson, Research Assistant, Healthy Active Cities, University of Salford


Walking wins out: St Ebbe’s School, Grandpont, Oxford case study

Laura Di Giacomo, Active Travel Champion, St.Ebbe’s Primary school, Grandpont, Oxford


Overcoming obstacles to active pavement use

Sushila Dhall, Chair, Oxford Pedestrians Association


What about walking? Experiences of new efficient approaches to walking network development

Andrew Snellgrove, Principal Transport Planner, Brighton & Hove City Council & Amber Kenyon, Senior Transport Planner, Mott MacDonald​


Supporting the implementation of walking to school

Katherine Holcroft, Head of Major Projects, Living Streets

Room 10



Chair: Chris Harrison, Regional Director, Project Centre


Amplifying unheard voices: women and girls

Susan Leadbetter, Principal Consultant, WSP


Street Voice: a Citizens’ Jury organised in Oxford

Alison Chisholm, Qualitative Research, Primary Health, University of Oxford &
Juliet Carpenter, Director of Research, Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College, University of Oxford


Community engagement in liveable and active neighbourhoods: working at the speed of trust

Tara Said, Sustainable Transport Assistant & Julian Sanchez, Commissioning Delivery Manager, Essex County Council


Community engagement: lessons from the front line

Claire Stocks, Director, Walk Ride Greater Manchester CIC & Katie Finney, Director, Amity CIC


Widening the active travel narrative

Andrew Hewitson. Senior Public Health Practitioner, and Martin Porter, Project Manager, Highways and Transport, Lancashire County Council


Room 9

Making cycling more inclusive (40 mins)

Chair: Rosie Rowe, Head of Healthy Place Shaping, Oxfordshire County Council


  • Ellie Clarke - Jacques, Active Neighbourhoods Manager, Active Oxfordshire

  • Dr Dianne Regisford, Founder of Black Women Bike

  • Jennifer Tait, Cyclability CIC

  • Annette Pattinson, Director, Joyriders Oxfordshire

Co-production in active travel: lessons from Oxfordshire

Workshop (40 mins)

Joaquim Muntané, Active Travel Officer, Oxfordshire County Council, 

Cllr Emily Kerr, Councillor at Oxford City Council and 

Dr Alison Hill, Chair of Cyclox, Oxford’s cycling campaign

Room 11


Active travel’s potential in planning 

Led by Graham Grant, Director of Planning and Development, and Sophie Edmondson, Principal Inspector, Active Travel England

The Quad

Cycle Tour 1: Quickways and Quietways tour

Total distance 8km (5 miles) exactly Total time 90 minutes including 10 stops.

Limited to 10 places.

Advance bookings have now closed.


Please visit the Landor LINKS front desk during the event to reserve a place.

Walking tour: public realm challenges: buses, cars, colleges, cyclists and crowds

Distance 3 km (1.85 miles)

Limited to 20 places

Advance bookings have now closed.


Please visit the Landor LINKS front desk during the event to reserve a place.

Room 7


Active Travel England – Design and Planning Surgeries for local authorities: free slots throughout the day

Surgery details to follow – please email Daniel Simpson for further information


North School

Lunch served in the Exhibition area


South School

Active travel across Oxfordshire

Chair: Clllr Sam Casey-Rerhaye, South Oxfordshire District Council 


Active Travel in Oxfordshire: A qualitative study of walking and cycling amongst commuters and older adults living in market towns

Rosie Rowe, Head of Healthy Place Shaping, Public Health and Community Safety Directorate, Oxfordshire County Council & Tricia Jessiman, Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol 


Implementing School Streets in market towns: opportunities and challenges

Mark Gregory, Team Leader, Travel Plans Team, Oxfordshire County Council & Clare Dowling, Programme Manager, Behaviour Change Sustrans


Quickways – a quicker way to a cycling future 

Patrick Lingwood, Active Travel Lead, Oxfordshire County Council​


An active travel vision and strategy for England’s Economic Heartland
Abigail Nichols, Project Lead, England’s Economic Heartland and Simon Jay, Technical Director, Atkins



East School

The reality of changing travel behaviours

Chair: Roxanne De Beaux

Executive Director, Camcycle


Cycling and walking bias and prejudice in  transport: why we need to look beyond infrastructure

Christian Bodé, Director, Technical Practice Leader Streets, UK&I, Aecom


Place, people and persuasion: a case study on impacting active travel behaviour using both campaigns networks and behaviour change interventions

Jenny Box, Deputy director of behaviour change, & Duncan Dollimore, Head of advocacy and campaigns, Cycling UK


Putting lived experience at the heart of inclusive design 

Steph Bortoli, Head of Communication and Engagement, Project Centre


A ‘Users First’ collaborative design for a new neighbourhood
Wesley Wroe, Associate and Waterbeach Project Lead, Stantec 


Targets to increase cycling: why are they always missed

Neil Guthrie, Gold Standard Cycling

Room 10

Driving up quality and consistency: M&E best practice


​Led by Maxine Gregory, Senior Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University


This panel discussion and Q&A session will explore the evolving approach to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to enhance the evidence base for active travel. Our panel will provide expert views on the power of data and insight, the challenges, and working towards a collective vision to drive up quality and consistency.


Maxine will chair the discussion which will include: 


Tom van Vuren, Policy Director, Transport Planning Society and  Visiting Professor, University of Leeds;


Beth Hiblin - Associate at Transport for Quality of Life and Founding Director of The Smarter Choice Consultancy


Dr Stephen Parkes, Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University and Co-Director of the Active Travel Research Group 


Room 9

Shared micromobility

Chair: Mark Strong, Managing Consultant, Transport Initiatives


From a poor reputation to record ridership: lessons from Marseille's bike-sharing scheme

Amira Haberah, Founder, Fifteen


Beryl Annual Rider Report: What the findings tell us
Phil Ellis, Beryl CEO and Cofounder

Making services work for riders in multi-operator cities

Tim Caswell, City Development Lead, TIER Mobility 


How to mobilise quickly: a West Midlands bike-sharing case study
Liberatus Fusi-Akpodono
Solutions Lead


Getting ready for e-scooters and beyond: what is needed to ensure safe and inclusive micromobility for all?

George Beard, Head of New Mobility, TRL


Room 11


How good engagement is key to active travel delivery

Led by Orla Campbell, Head of Regional Engagement, Active Travel England

The Quad

Cycle Tour 2:
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and school routes tour

Total distance 9.1km (5.6 miles)

Limited to 10 places.

Advance bookings have now closed.


Please visit the Landor LINKS front desk during the event to reserve a place.

Walking tour: public realm challenges: buses, cars, colleges, cyclists and crowds

Distance 3 km (1.85 miles)

Limited to 20 places

Advance bookings have now closed.


Please visit the Landor LINKS front desk during the event to reserve a place.

Room 7


Active Travel England – Design and Planning Surgeries for local authorities: free slots throughout the day

​Surgery details to follow – please email Daniel Simpson for further information


North School

Comfort break


South School

Closing plenary: Delivering active travel – how to make different choices around transport

Led by Meredith Glaser, Executive Director, Urban Cycling Institute, Amsterdam



  • Cllr Liz Clements, Cabinet Member for Transport, Birmingham City Council  

  • Cllr Andrew Gant, Cabinet Member for Highway Management, Oxfordshire County Council 

  • Cllr Lana Hempsall, Deputy Cabinet member for Highways, Infrastructure and Transport, Member Champion for Sustainable Transport, Norfolk County Council

  • Brian Deegan, Director of Inspections, Active Travel England

  • Clare Maltby,Director for the Midlands & East region at Sustrans


How can city and regional leaders prioritise what’s best for their active travel futures?​

  • What is the reality of active travel funding in England – and Wales, Scotland, N Ireland and Europe?

  • Politicians and decision-makers need direct knowledge and experience of what happens when different choices are made around how we make journeys

  • The benefits of active travel are often outside the mobility domain (health, wellbeing, accessibility), and not included in mainstream transport investment thinking

  • How to escape a vicious cycle of infrastructure-led roads investment which limits the funding / opportunities for active travel

  • We need our politicians and decision-makers to have vision – and to give them the resources to validate the vision....

  • Then plan what the streets should look like

  • Monitor and evaluate to drive up quality and consistency 

  • Followed by panel and audience Q and A


Event close

Sponsored by:

Department for Transport

Micromobility sponsor:


Organised by:


Hosted by:

5-6 July 2023   Examination Schools, Oxford
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